What is the Current Business Model of ZeeTee™ ?

Every listed item will have a selling fee associated with it for the storefront. And it is named CPS (Cost Per Sale). It is only applied while at the time of sale, meaning if any vendor/reseller is able to sell any product the CPS is automatically calculated on it depending on the company's current policy.

 For example, a seller’s merchandise is being sold as follows at a standard period of time – say 1 Month.

Product Price No. of item sold CPS Per item Total Sale Value
Total CPS
Rs. 500 100 Rs. 15 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 1500

So total CPS applicable for the seller is Rs. 1500/- which refers to the above example. Please note the above CPS Rs. 15/- per item is just for the consideration for this example only.  Actual  CPS may vary depending on the Company's current policies.

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